Carola (Toyota)
I am a: Woman
Looking for a: Man
Age: 68 (11-08-1956)
City/Town: Surrey
Postal Code: V3T 0R1
Country: Canada
A Little About Me
Recently separated after 40 years of marriage. Looking for someone to spend time with; go out with; enjoy events with.
I am a retired Flight Attendant and a certified Nail Technician and have owned a business as well as managed a Health Food Store. I have lived in Panama and still own a home there (which I helped to build back in 2010). Lots of wonderful memories but looking to build some new ones.
I am a retired Flight Attendant and a certified Nail Technician and have owned a business as well as managed a Health Food Store. I have lived in Panama and still own a home there (which I helped to build back in 2010). Lots of wonderful memories but looking to build some new ones.
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Join Date: 3 years ago. • Last Activity: 2 years ago. • Views: 346